Monday, 16 February 2015


Surrealism is largely about fantasy, mixing in reality with fantasy. Surrealism first came about in the early 1920's in Western Europe, mainly France and Germany. From the first creation of surrealism, it soon spread across the Globe for all artists and designers to enjoy or contribute with. Paris was recognised as being the centre and the beginning of the surrealist art movement and was started by french poet 'Andre Breton' with the publication of his 'Manifesto of Surrealism.

Manifesto of Surrealism, Andre Breton, 1924 [1]
The book itself doesn't look very surreal, but that will be because it is a Manifesto, although I was hoping for it to have a slight surrealist style on the front cover. Surrealist art is simply taking the natural/normal world and everything around us and making it look unnatural/strange. They can have no true meaning other than to look different. There were many artists involved in this movement, but the ones that are most remembered are the likes of Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro, Man Ray, Jean Arp and Rene Margritte. The surrealist movement lasted for around 40 years when it slowly disappeared in the late 1960's.

The task this week was to look at surrealism, how it influenced advertising and to find the artist who caused the influence. First I am going to look at some artists work that came from the beginning of surrealism. One memorable piece of artwork which you should know and is called 'This is not a pipe'. This was produced by Rene Magritte in 1929 and is a very simple example of surrealism as it obviously shows an image of a pipe, but the typography describes it as not being a pipe. Simple yet effective.

This is not a pipe, Rene Magritte, 1929 [2]
I have found an example where this artwork was used as the main influence by a company called 'Allianz', which specialise in insurance. They have displayed a roof tile, saying this is not a roof tile, which they have just replaced the pipe and changed the description. The layout is the same, apart from the advertisement includes a smaller description located at the bottom of the poster which explains what the advertisement is about. It says 'This is a painful bump provocateur', which I think works very well. They have don't the same again, but used a banana, to which you can probably guess that the smaller explanation says, 'This is a malicious back bruiser', as they have played on the perception that banana peels are very slippery. I like both of these examples of using surrealist art by Rene Margritte as an influence.

This is not a roof tile, Atletico International Advertising, 2006 [3]
This is not a banana, Atletico International Advertising, 2006 [4]
The next artwork I am going to look at is called 'The Temptation of St. Anthony' by Salvador Dali. This painting is very surreal, as the animals shown have extremely long legs which typically puts their heads in the clouds. The animals are also carrying oversized objects on their backs, which are like some type of golden temple. Dali has used the realism of animals and over exaggerated on them, which I really like. I would like to understand the thought process and what goes through the minds of creatives such as Dali when they come to creating pieces such as the one shown below.

The Temptation of St. Anthony, Salvador Dali, 1946 [5]
The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali, 1931 [6]
From these surrealist pieces created during the career of Dali, the car manufacturer Volkswagen went to a design company, who used his work as inspiration in the creation of some of their advertisements, which I believe work well in todays world.

Volkswagen Polo Blue Motion: Dali, DDB Advertising [7]
The advertisement above was produced by a German Design company known as 'DDB'. They used the work of Dali as their main inspiration to over exaggerate on some things, as you can see the man is very oversized, as is his arm. The mans tears are creating a large collection of water, the oil pumps in the background have flowers growing out of them, etc. The flowers growing out of them are linking with the fact that the vehicle which has been advertised is good on fuel, which links to where the fuel gauge is shown to be full. The design of the fuel gauge in the advertisements comes from another of Dali's work, which is called 'The Persistence of Time', where all of the clock faces shown in his painting have become liquified and are seen to be following the shape of the floor or hanging over a branch. In the advertisement they have used a belt to squeeze the fuel gauge together, possibly to signify that the car has a smaller fuel tank because it has better fuel economy.

Now I am going to look at artists who don't particularly have any links with the work of previous artists, but they have used some slight inspiration from all of them, along with their own initiative, to create these outcomes. First I am going to look at an advertisement by a company called 'Lifebuoy', which is a company who specialise in germ protection, through the sales of soaps, hand washes and many other products. In this advertisement they were trying to get across that whatever you touch, is in fact what you are eating. You can see in the first image below that thee is a cat that has been shaped into a croissant, which is implying that if you touch a cat then go straight to eat a croissant without waning your hands, then you are typically eating the cat. A very strange way to put across the idea of making sure you wash your hands before you eat, yet again one which I believe will have been very successful for 'Lifebuoy'.

Cat Croissant, You Eat What You Touch Advertisement, Lifebuoy, Nemesis Pictures [8]
Hamster Cupcake, You Eat What You Touch Advertisement, Lifebuoy, Nemesis Pictures [9]
Dog Bread, You Eat What You Touch Advertisement, Lifebuoy, Nemesis Pictures [10]
You can see the humour within these designs, well I find them both amazing and funny, seeing the hamster all bunched up as a cupcake and the dog all bunched up like a loaf of bread. These are one of my favourite surrealist advertisements that I have come across. The work was produced by a company called Nemesis Pictures, which they should really credit themselves for this work.

The next advertisement I am going to look at is called 'Help Yourself' which was designed for CVV (Suicide Prevention Center). The work is very simple and the main part of the design doesn't include any drawings, it is basically the shape of someone cut out of the main paper, to look like they are holding onto themselves and to stop them from falling down to the floor. They have used the negative space and positive space excellently within this design, which is unlike any of the other surrealist work I have seen. They have thought outside the original box, and again outside of the next box. Below is the 2 examples of the advertisement, one showing a female outline and the other showing a male outline as anybody can commit suicide.

Help Yourself (Female), CVV, Leo Burnett [11]

Help Yourself (Male), CVV, Leo Burnett [12]

Through the simplicity of the design they have got their point across very well. You can see how the figure looks to be trying to help itself, for the shocking imagery, and then the information is shown above very clearly as there is nothing else on the design. Another very good design idea which was produced by a design company called 'Leo Burnett'.

To finish I would lie to say how although the main surrealist art movement was supposed to have ended in the 1960's, you can still see in todays world how artists and designers are using this to their advantage. Above I have shown examples where artists and designers have used the artists who created surrealism to influence their work, and also artists and designers who have used their own initiative to think further into surrealism and what they can do with the technologies of today.

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